Monday, February 28, 2011

300 days till Christmas project!!

Yesterday, February 27, marked 300 days till Christmas 2011.Being unemployed, I began seeking some kind of long-term project that would keep me focused and from going more completely insane than I already am.  I happened upon a book detailing daily projects that last a year.  A photo a day, a poem a day, a themed creation every day.  For 365 days.  An entire year.  First thought: I can totally do that!  Second thought:  Well crap, I'm reading this book in February.  Many questions arose.  Do I start now?  Do I wait until January 1, 2012?  No, that's too long to wait.  What if I get a job?  How would that all work?  What should I do?  I like to bake.  Nah, can't imagine baking something every day for an entire year.  I'm a fairly new knitter.  Knit something every day for a year?  Nope.  Paint something?  Make a collage?  Take a photo?  Not every day, no, not going to happen.  Finally realized that I needed a theme to wrap around all of this creativity.    Christmas.  I love Christmas.  It is my favorite holiday!  Advent, and the preparations for Christmas are wonderful.  I love the baking, the cooking, the decorating, the gift giving (yes, and the receiving!).  And even in this day of Facebook, email and blogging, I love sending actual Christmas cards.  Some years home-made, some years bought.  I think of every card I send as a mini-conversation with that person or family.  Yup, I found my theme!  Christmas!So, I looked at the calendar, realized that I was getting close to 300 days till Christmas Day, 2011, and well, here I am.Last week was prep time.  Made some plans of things to do for 300 days of Christmas.  Procured supplies to get me started.  Did I mention that I have a small (4-5 foot) Christmas tree already up in my creative space?  Already has some garlands and ornaments that I've made since Christmas 2010.  Got me inspired.Yesterday, was day 1.  Or day 300, if we're counting backwards.  I started gently.  Knitted a lovely little bell ornament out of varigated green/white/red yarn.  Stitched it up, tied in the little jingle bell and hung it on the tree.  Took some photos.  Once I figure out how to post the photos here, I'll start including them!Here are my "guidelines" -- I will do/make/write/create something having to do with Christmas every day.  If possible, I will complete that "thing," but realize that it may not always be possible and that some of these projects may take more time.  But the important factor for me is that I do something Christmas every day.  So far, I plan on making ornaments, garlands, wreaths, cards, collages, cookies, a Yule Log cake.  I hope to write, although it may just be haiku.  Photos.  Outdoor decorations for birdies and squirrels to eat.  The list goes on and on!Please ... feel free to suggest ideas for small and large projects.  I'm open to almost anything!!Off to today's project ....  Merry Christmas!!!-Jayne