Wednesday, July 6, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - July 6, 2011 - 171 days to go!!

So, I was wrong.  I admit it.  But the beauty of this project and blog is that it's MINE, so really I'm never wrong.  I just readjust!!!

I really thought that I'd move away from the cross-stitching at the end of June.  But I didn't.  It started because I hadn't finished my last cross-stitch project by the end of the month.  Took me a few more days to get it done, because it was the holiday weekend and I could only do a little each day.  But here it is.  I ended up having to use two, just slightly different, shades of green, so this one will become something for our house.  The book has it as a pillow, I think that would be nice.  I have started another one (yes, I think I'm addicted!!), but here's the first one.

Then, I started thinking about other ways that I could incorporate embroidery into the Christmas project.  I decided to try embroidering directly onto cardfronts.  These are the first few efforts.  Just getting the hang of it.

Related to this, I had another idea.  I'm going to try stamping on the cardfront, then embroidering part of the design - maybe the outline, or maybe letters if there are any words, or one of the objects.  I'm not quite sure yet how it will go, but I'm going to give it a shot.  If it works, there will be photos in my next post.

Yeah, the thread addiction is going to continue for a while!!

Meanwhile, I'm getting lots of new ideas.  If you haven't checked, do it - lots of great ideas and it's really fun to save them!  It's another of my latest addictions!!!
