Wednesday, September 7, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - September 7, 2011 - 108 days left!!

Greetings from Finally Cooler Colorado!!

The weather people here tell us that this August was the HOTTEST on record!!  Over 20 days with temps over 90!!  And yet, we didn't see 100.  Not once.  Not in August, and not all summer long.  Can't figure that one out.  All I know is that August was stinkin' hot.

We escaped to the cabin at the end of the heat, over Labor Day weekend.  Thought we'd find nice cool temps up there, and we sure did.  Saturday night, the low got down to 32!!  Okay, I wanted cooler, but not cold!!  Not yet.

This week has been cooler, today it isn't even going to get up to 60.  Drizzly and gray and I'm wearing jeans for the first time in 3+ months.  And a sweater!  And, just a little bit, it's starting to feel like, yeah, we may just see Christmas in about 3 1/2 months!!

Since my last post, there has been more cross-stitching, of course!!  And the process has begun to turn the cross-stitches into finished products.  First up, "ornaments," or small wall-hangings.  I picked up a handful of small embroidery hoops at the local Hobby Lobby and chose some of the cross-stitches to work with.  Okay, most were chosen by the fact that they would fit in the hoop size!!

There are a couple of others that are larger, and therefore I got bigger hoops for them (duh, I know!!).  I like them a lot because they're three-dimensional, with the buttons on them.  Love the colors!  I don't know why, but I find these two patterns really relaxing to stitch.  So, I'll probably make a few more.  Need to get more red buttons. (Note: Go thru Mom's buttons on upcoming visit.)

I know I've mentioned my addiction to  I've found some great ideas on that site.  I started off looking for Christmas ideas.  I've found that and so much more!!  Here's a shot of one that I just made, a button Christmas tree.  Fun, easy, and you know that means I'll do more.  I picked up a cone-shaped Styrofoam form at Hobby Lobby.  I had plenty of pins and buttons, so, voila!!

I'm looking forward to doing a few more of these, perhaps one or two in traditional Christmas colors.  Once I get more supplies, I'm sure I'll have more to show.

Last, but not least, I've also been working on Christmas gifts.  Because I'm unemployed, many of my gifts will be of the handmade variety this year.  I've made a few cross-stitch designs that aren't Christmas decorations, but will be gifts.  I've added jingle bells to knitted Christmas bell ornaments.  I've started knitting a few scarves, and have an idea for a hat that I'm going to try. 

I've also started doing some stuff with the many glass bottles I've been saving and one of my neighbors has been saving for me.  I can cut glass with our dremel, so I'm cutting bottles in order to make hurricanes and holders for candles.  Still have a lot of sanding to do on those.  I've also got ideas for making more candle holders out of mason jars.  And other jars will hold some of the homemade lotions and potions I'll be experimenting with.  Should be a fun autumn!

And yay, cool weather means BAKING!!  I can't wait.

Sorry if this is a long post.  It's been a few weeks, plus, I leave on Sunday night for a 2+ week trip back east to see my parents and many friends.  I will be taking stuff to continue working on, so there will be Christmas creating, but I'm not sure if or how many posts I may get done.  I'll try to do at least one.  :)

Thanks for reading.  BTW, I've already starting formulating my next long-term project for once Christmas is done!!
