Wednesday, September 7, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - September 7, 2011 - 108 days left!!

Greetings from Finally Cooler Colorado!!

The weather people here tell us that this August was the HOTTEST on record!!  Over 20 days with temps over 90!!  And yet, we didn't see 100.  Not once.  Not in August, and not all summer long.  Can't figure that one out.  All I know is that August was stinkin' hot.

We escaped to the cabin at the end of the heat, over Labor Day weekend.  Thought we'd find nice cool temps up there, and we sure did.  Saturday night, the low got down to 32!!  Okay, I wanted cooler, but not cold!!  Not yet.

This week has been cooler, today it isn't even going to get up to 60.  Drizzly and gray and I'm wearing jeans for the first time in 3+ months.  And a sweater!  And, just a little bit, it's starting to feel like, yeah, we may just see Christmas in about 3 1/2 months!!

Since my last post, there has been more cross-stitching, of course!!  And the process has begun to turn the cross-stitches into finished products.  First up, "ornaments," or small wall-hangings.  I picked up a handful of small embroidery hoops at the local Hobby Lobby and chose some of the cross-stitches to work with.  Okay, most were chosen by the fact that they would fit in the hoop size!!

There are a couple of others that are larger, and therefore I got bigger hoops for them (duh, I know!!).  I like them a lot because they're three-dimensional, with the buttons on them.  Love the colors!  I don't know why, but I find these two patterns really relaxing to stitch.  So, I'll probably make a few more.  Need to get more red buttons. (Note: Go thru Mom's buttons on upcoming visit.)

I know I've mentioned my addiction to  I've found some great ideas on that site.  I started off looking for Christmas ideas.  I've found that and so much more!!  Here's a shot of one that I just made, a button Christmas tree.  Fun, easy, and you know that means I'll do more.  I picked up a cone-shaped Styrofoam form at Hobby Lobby.  I had plenty of pins and buttons, so, voila!!

I'm looking forward to doing a few more of these, perhaps one or two in traditional Christmas colors.  Once I get more supplies, I'm sure I'll have more to show.

Last, but not least, I've also been working on Christmas gifts.  Because I'm unemployed, many of my gifts will be of the handmade variety this year.  I've made a few cross-stitch designs that aren't Christmas decorations, but will be gifts.  I've added jingle bells to knitted Christmas bell ornaments.  I've started knitting a few scarves, and have an idea for a hat that I'm going to try. 

I've also started doing some stuff with the many glass bottles I've been saving and one of my neighbors has been saving for me.  I can cut glass with our dremel, so I'm cutting bottles in order to make hurricanes and holders for candles.  Still have a lot of sanding to do on those.  I've also got ideas for making more candle holders out of mason jars.  And other jars will hold some of the homemade lotions and potions I'll be experimenting with.  Should be a fun autumn!

And yay, cool weather means BAKING!!  I can't wait.

Sorry if this is a long post.  It's been a few weeks, plus, I leave on Sunday night for a 2+ week trip back east to see my parents and many friends.  I will be taking stuff to continue working on, so there will be Christmas creating, but I'm not sure if or how many posts I may get done.  I'll try to do at least one.  :)

Thanks for reading.  BTW, I've already starting formulating my next long-term project for once Christmas is done!!


Sunday, August 21, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - August 21, 2011 - 125 days to go!!

The dog days of summer continue.  Whew, it's hot.  Every day.  Well, we've had a few below 90, but only a few.  We escaped to the mountains a couple of times to cool off.  At the family cabin it tends to be about 20 degrees cooler during the summer.  Great sleeping and some really impressive storms.  Last time we were there, the deck got pounded and covered with pea-sized hail.  Meanwhile, to the west we could see the beautiful sunset and to the east was a rainbow.  Colorado weather.  Go figure.

The weather has meant a lot of not moving much, and not getting to spend much time upstairs in the craft loft.  So, more cross-stitching!

Yeah, working on more than one at once -- breaking one of my rules!!  But it keeps me from getting bored, that's for sure.

I finally got some jingle bells, so I can finish all the knitted bells that are filling my yarn basket and get them hung on one of my trees upstairs.  I also have some light repair to do on one of the trees.  Only one of the strands of lights is lighting right now.  Probably a dead bulb somewhere.  Fortunately, I have a few more strands lying around to replace if I have to.

And I've started playing with colored pencils.  Saw a great exercise on the internet, so, of course, I had to try it.  I've done it with both Christmas and non-Christmas colors.  It's fun, and very Dr. Seuss-like.  While I've been doing these, my husband has taken to calling me "Mrs. Seuss."  Here's the Christmas-looking one.

Kind of weird, I think, but fun and a great exercise in terms of colors and shading.

Last, but not least, some other coloring that might make another appearance on some wrapping paper.  I know that I could do it with stamps, but I really like the effect of having it hand-drawn and colored. 

I was excited to go to Hobby Lobby this week and find that the Christmas craft stuff has arrived!!  All different shapes and sizes of glass ornaments to be decorated.  All different colors, too.  Garlands and wreaths and everything!!  I restrained and only bought a couple of things, but I take this as a sign that cooler weather will come and soon I'll be baking and lamenting that there just isn't enough time before Christmas to get everything done.

Keep cool!!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

300 Days till Christmas Project - August 2, 2011

I am so embarrassed.  And sorry.  It's been about 3 weeks since my last post.  No excuse for that.  Although, I do have several reasons.  Unfortunately, none of them has anything to do with getting any kind of employment, so really, there is no good reason to not be able to find the time for a quick post along the way.

And I don't even have any super exciting news to share about some terribly new and exciting craft or project!  It's been a lot of the "same-old, same-old" around here.  Lots of cross-stitching, a little knitting, and one special Christmas project experience.

As to the first: cross-stitching.  I guess this borderline obsession with it comes from not having done it for a while.  It is somewhat all-encompassing right now!!  I've done of ton of it, although now that I'm working on some more involved stuff, it moves a bit slowly.  Before my next post, I'll go through everything that I've completed and be sure to post any photos that haven't already been posted.  I continue to slowly work my way through the wonderful book of patterns that my friend Lady Caroline gave me.  So much fun.

Not a lot of knitting, but some work on bells and pieces of the knitted chain that I've been working on.

There was one special project that, unfortunately, I don't have any photos of.  I totally forgot to take any.  I was in Minnetonka, MN for almost a week, visiting my sister and her family.  My niece, Emelia, is almost 4.  I brought several crafts for us to do together.  One was to make button pictures.  Since it was super hot, and even more humid, we decided to do something to cool us down.  Using only white buttons, we pretended they were snow and made some "cool" Christmas pictures.  One of a snowman and snow woman.  And another of their snow castle.  Fun and cute.  And I think we both felt a bit cooler when we were done.  :)

I have been doing more research, mostly in, finding lots of projects to do.  I've found a few for when it's cooler and closer to Christmas, and I start my baking.  I'm excited to try them.

For now, back to what I was doing.  Waiting for my craft loft to cool off enough (maybe by September) to spend more time up there.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention -- I got another small artificial tree with lights on it and some old-fashioned Christmas lights at a garage sale.  Going to decorate the tree.  Going to make some glittery ornaments out of the lights.

Keep cool, my friends.  It's the dog days of summer out there!!


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - July 6, 2011 - 171 days to go!!

So, I was wrong.  I admit it.  But the beauty of this project and blog is that it's MINE, so really I'm never wrong.  I just readjust!!!

I really thought that I'd move away from the cross-stitching at the end of June.  But I didn't.  It started because I hadn't finished my last cross-stitch project by the end of the month.  Took me a few more days to get it done, because it was the holiday weekend and I could only do a little each day.  But here it is.  I ended up having to use two, just slightly different, shades of green, so this one will become something for our house.  The book has it as a pillow, I think that would be nice.  I have started another one (yes, I think I'm addicted!!), but here's the first one.

Then, I started thinking about other ways that I could incorporate embroidery into the Christmas project.  I decided to try embroidering directly onto cardfronts.  These are the first few efforts.  Just getting the hang of it.

Related to this, I had another idea.  I'm going to try stamping on the cardfront, then embroidering part of the design - maybe the outline, or maybe letters if there are any words, or one of the objects.  I'm not quite sure yet how it will go, but I'm going to give it a shot.  If it works, there will be photos in my next post.

Yeah, the thread addiction is going to continue for a while!!

Meanwhile, I'm getting lots of new ideas.  If you haven't checked, do it - lots of great ideas and it's really fun to save them!  It's another of my latest addictions!!!


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - June 29, 2011

Wow, can't believe that the end of June is upon me.  That means that the end of "yarn & thread month" is just about here.  I have to say, I could have just called it "thread month," as I did not much knitting at all!!!  I am/was totally obsessed with cross-stitch. 

Since my last post, I took on a couple of slightly more involved cross-stitch projects, ones that I couldn't complete in a day.  The first took a while because it's got kind of a busy pattern.  Plus, I had to remember a lot of stuff that I'd kind of forgotten over the years.  I made a couple of mistakes, but don't think you can really see them.

I'm working on another one, one that isn't as involved a pattern as that quilted-looking Christmas tree, but it's taking a while.  Plus - can you believe it - I'm running low on green thread!!!  What??!!  Can't be without green thread on Christmas projects.  I'll have to take what I've got and see if I can match it.  I bet I can.  Or come super close.  So hopefully you won't see where I switch out on the project!!!

I love this one.  It's a great Christmas tree themed take on the sampler.  I think it will be cute when I finish it.  The pattern shows it as the front of a pillow.  Don't know if I'll do that, or if I'll frame it, or what.  At some point I'll have to figure out some of that with the larger cross-stitches I've made this month!!

I'm not sure I'll have a specific theme for July.  I'll continue to knit and to cross-stitch, perhaps make a few cards out of some of the cross-stitches.  I've found a new site called "Pinterest" that allows you to pin things all together, like a bulletin board, instead of having to make each website a favorite just because of one project or recipe or photo.  I love it!!  And I've found a lot of great ideas for Christmas projects.  So, I'll probably take on one or two of those.

With temps in the upper 90's this week, Christmas thoughts are helping to keep me cool!!  I'm fondly remembering some of the colder days from back in December and January!!


Monday, June 20, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - June 20, 2011 - 187 days to go!!

It's a beautiful Monday morning in my part of the world.  Rainy, dreary, kind of cool.  Nature's way of reminding us that Spring still has a couple of days left before giving way to the official start of Summer.  It's a great day to be inside, to be cross-stitching, reading and baking.  I hope to accomplish all three today.  At least I don't have to water the lawn and all the gardens!!

Up until yesterday, I spent all my time since last posting doing cross-stitch, based on the same design, a Santa Claus.  Well, really, except for one (as you'll see), just Santa's head.  Surrounded with a variety of holiday greetings.  Loved it because they were quick and easy to do.  I won't post all the photos, just a few so you get the idea.

I also did one using the entire Santa Claus.  Same basic concept though.

After a lot of Santa, it was time to move on to something else!!  My dear friend, Lady Caroline, sent me a book that she had.  Thank you Lady Caroline!!!  It's a book of Christmas cross-stitch designs.  They're all fairly small and simple, so they'll make great card-fronts, ornaments, etc.  I picked one to start with, based on a patchwork quilt pattern.  There are four designs in this style, so you know I'll end up making all of them.

I still haven't figured out what I'll do with all of the cross-stitch that I've completed.  Some of them are just right for card-fronts, but others are too big.  Those might make good ornaments, but I've got work out how I would mount and back them to make them look best.  I'm also toying with the idea of some kind of wall-hanging that would incorporate several of the completed cross-stitches, maybe in somewhat of a "quilt" motif.  I'll have to think on this for a while.

I also need to start thinking about what comes next.  I designated June has "yarn & thread" month, doing some knitting and lots of cross-stitch.  I'm sure I'll continue to do both of those, but don't see where I can keep doing them all the time.  Perhaps some wreaths for July?  Maybe work on a couple of Advent calendars and Advent wreaths.  Hmm.  Still too soon to start serious baking.  Really, I'm not too worried!!  I have lots I still want to do.

Happy week to all!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - June 14, 2011 - 193 days

Yikes, we're under 200 days till Christmas!!  Everyone better get going on their shopping!!

Really, I can't believe that it's under 200.  When I started at Day 300, it seemed so long to visualize being 100 days into the project.  That mark has just slipped by me, hardly even noticed until I was getting ready to catch up here today.  It's probably because I set a theme for the month of June, and haven't been as concerned with documenting each day as long as I've done something related to Christmas.  

It's been all about the yarn and thread the past couple of weeks.  Some knitting, but mostly cross-stitching and everything that goes with it.  I've created a few designs on my own, and searched the internet for others.  Trying to keep it pretty simple and kind of small.  The original plan is to use most of the cross-stitching for card-fronts, although I've also been thinking about doing a wall-hanging or two as well.  Right now I'm simply enjoying doing cross-stitch again after years of not doing it at all.  That means I'm a bit slow, but doing at least some every day.

I posted several photos last time, and a lot of what I've done since then is duplicate so that I can make more than one card out of a specific design or use a design in more than one wall-hanging.  But here are a few that haven't been posted yet.

Another thing I did one day last week, a particularly hot day in Denver, was to ask on Facebook for help in cooling off.  I asked my friends to post the name of their favorite Christmas song/carol on my wall.  I heard from several friends.  And it was kind of a cool-off.  It also gave me the idea that perhaps I would cross-stitch some of these favorite titles and then use them as the card-front for the specific friend who posted it as his/her favorite.  Wonder if they'll even remember by the time Christmas cards are sent and received??

In two interviews last week, one for a job and one for a volunteer opportunity, I was asked to speak about what I've done while I haven't been working in an outside the home job and between temp assignments.  I was happy to answer that far from being a "lady of leisure," I was using this opportunity to recapture past interests and to try new things, to not waste the gift of time that I've been given.  Sure, while I wish that I had a paying job so that I could contribute more concretely to my home/relationship/family, really I have been given a gift of time.  I'm doing everything I can to enjoy the gift in really creative, productive ways.  I may never get anything like this again, so I've got to make the most of it.  :)
