Tuesday, June 14, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - June 14, 2011 - 193 days

Yikes, we're under 200 days till Christmas!!  Everyone better get going on their shopping!!

Really, I can't believe that it's under 200.  When I started at Day 300, it seemed so long to visualize being 100 days into the project.  That mark has just slipped by me, hardly even noticed until I was getting ready to catch up here today.  It's probably because I set a theme for the month of June, and haven't been as concerned with documenting each day as long as I've done something related to Christmas.  

It's been all about the yarn and thread the past couple of weeks.  Some knitting, but mostly cross-stitching and everything that goes with it.  I've created a few designs on my own, and searched the internet for others.  Trying to keep it pretty simple and kind of small.  The original plan is to use most of the cross-stitching for card-fronts, although I've also been thinking about doing a wall-hanging or two as well.  Right now I'm simply enjoying doing cross-stitch again after years of not doing it at all.  That means I'm a bit slow, but doing at least some every day.

I posted several photos last time, and a lot of what I've done since then is duplicate so that I can make more than one card out of a specific design or use a design in more than one wall-hanging.  But here are a few that haven't been posted yet.

Another thing I did one day last week, a particularly hot day in Denver, was to ask on Facebook for help in cooling off.  I asked my friends to post the name of their favorite Christmas song/carol on my wall.  I heard from several friends.  And it was kind of a cool-off.  It also gave me the idea that perhaps I would cross-stitch some of these favorite titles and then use them as the card-front for the specific friend who posted it as his/her favorite.  Wonder if they'll even remember by the time Christmas cards are sent and received??

In two interviews last week, one for a job and one for a volunteer opportunity, I was asked to speak about what I've done while I haven't been working in an outside the home job and between temp assignments.  I was happy to answer that far from being a "lady of leisure," I was using this opportunity to recapture past interests and to try new things, to not waste the gift of time that I've been given.  Sure, while I wish that I had a paying job so that I could contribute more concretely to my home/relationship/family, really I have been given a gift of time.  I'm doing everything I can to enjoy the gift in really creative, productive ways.  I may never get anything like this again, so I've got to make the most of it.  :)


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