Wednesday, June 29, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - June 29, 2011

Wow, can't believe that the end of June is upon me.  That means that the end of "yarn & thread month" is just about here.  I have to say, I could have just called it "thread month," as I did not much knitting at all!!!  I am/was totally obsessed with cross-stitch. 

Since my last post, I took on a couple of slightly more involved cross-stitch projects, ones that I couldn't complete in a day.  The first took a while because it's got kind of a busy pattern.  Plus, I had to remember a lot of stuff that I'd kind of forgotten over the years.  I made a couple of mistakes, but don't think you can really see them.

I'm working on another one, one that isn't as involved a pattern as that quilted-looking Christmas tree, but it's taking a while.  Plus - can you believe it - I'm running low on green thread!!!  What??!!  Can't be without green thread on Christmas projects.  I'll have to take what I've got and see if I can match it.  I bet I can.  Or come super close.  So hopefully you won't see where I switch out on the project!!!

I love this one.  It's a great Christmas tree themed take on the sampler.  I think it will be cute when I finish it.  The pattern shows it as the front of a pillow.  Don't know if I'll do that, or if I'll frame it, or what.  At some point I'll have to figure out some of that with the larger cross-stitches I've made this month!!

I'm not sure I'll have a specific theme for July.  I'll continue to knit and to cross-stitch, perhaps make a few cards out of some of the cross-stitches.  I've found a new site called "Pinterest" that allows you to pin things all together, like a bulletin board, instead of having to make each website a favorite just because of one project or recipe or photo.  I love it!!  And I've found a lot of great ideas for Christmas projects.  So, I'll probably take on one or two of those.

With temps in the upper 90's this week, Christmas thoughts are helping to keep me cool!!  I'm fondly remembering some of the colder days from back in December and January!!


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