Friday, May 27, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas - May 27, 2011

Another busy week has flown by.  The weather here in Denver is mostly weird.  Definitely one of the wetter Mays that I remember since moving here.  18 years ago, this summer.  Wow!  It doesn't really feel like it, probably because I'm always discovering new things about Denver and Colorado, and about myself.

Because I was outside doing yard and garden stuff most of the week (thank you to all my neighbors who have complimented the yard!!), I took it a bit easy on myself this week.  Tired arms and shoulders don't always make for major craft projects!!  At some point I'll have to post garden photos here so you can see what I do (and love!) when I'm not doing Christmas crafts and looking for a job.

I knitted for a couple of days, continuing to work on the knitted tree chain.  They "sell" that project by making it sound so easy and short -- just use your leftover yarn and whip off one of these when you have a moment.  Right.  If I do it at that rate, I won't have any kind of close to completed chain for a couple of years!!  So I plug away on it, now that my fave shows are done for the summer, while I listen to baseball games on  It works.

Then, one day, I wrapped some empty oatmeal canisters with Christmas wrapping paper.  I'll use those to package Christmas baked goodies for people.  I only had two though.  Gonna have to start eating way more oatmeal!! 

Then, I remembered cross-stitch.  I used to love to cross-stitch, and haven't done it in quite a while.  Of course, I still have all my stuff -- canvas, thread, hoops, patterns, several unfinished project -- you know how it goes!!  I've got a ton of ideas of what I could do with Christmas cross-stitching.  So, grabbed the graph paper and created a few simple designs and stitched them up.

Since I'll be away from my craft room for part of the Memorial Day weekend, more cross-stitch and knitting will be happening, since those two are very portable.  Since I'm thinking that these will become card-fronts, I'm sure I'll be card-making in the very near future, as soon as I've completed several more.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend.  While we all enjoy the three-day weekend, pause a moment to remember why we have it.  So many men and women have bravely served and heroically died for our freedom.  I may not agree with every war or conflict, but I deeply admire those who serve, and those who serve and have died for the United States.  I pray for peace.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - May 21, 2011 - 217 days to go!!

It's been a much better week, creatively, than last week was.  Feeling back in the groove!  Of course, it didn't hurt any that there were a couple of very dreary, rainy days where I was stuck inside.  I watched the lawn get greener and the weeds get bigger from my window as I worked on Christmas project.

This week there have been three projects completed.

First up, I had a few mini canvasses lying around.  I decided it was time to try something with one of them.  I wasn't really in the mood to paint, so I "painted" a tree on with some markers.  Added some bling to be the ornaments and the star.  Added a cut-out package, and there it is.  Just a fun little thing.

Next came one I've been thinking of for a while.  Every year, I get great Christmas cards from friends and family.  Many of them I turn into gift tags to be tied or taped onto future holiday gifts.  But sometimes I get some cards that are really special, with something really cool on the front, often something that is kind of three-dimensional, like a knitted mitten.  I save the fronts of those cards every year, and had accumulated a bit of a pile.  So this week, I made what I guess I'll call "cheater's cards."  I used my own cardstock, and stamped "Merry Christmas" on the inside.  But the fronts are all made from pieces from those other cards.  It is still pretty original, but also easy and fast to do.  And I guess instead of cheating, I could say that I'm recycling!!

As I work on this project, I'm also trying to think of crafts that might work with children.  I've been collecting empty egg cartons for a while and now that I have a bit of a pile of them I figured it was time to try something with one.  I cut it apart and glued the pieces together in a wreath shape.  I used a glue gun, but I'm thinking that if kids are involved the only way the glue gun could be used is if an adult is in charge of it.

Yesterday, I painted it green.

And today I added some stickers inside the "cups," and a ribbon.  This would fun and pretty easy for children, but probably not real little ones.

I'll probably be spending a lot of time in the garden tomorrow, so knitting pieces for my knitted tree chain may be what's on tap for this project tomorrow evening.  This week I may do some more cards.  I also want to start gathering "stuff" to put inside the Advent Calendar I started a few weeks ago.


Monday, May 16, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - May 16, 2011 - 222 days to go!

Yikes!  I can't believe, on the one hand, that it's been 8 days since I last posted!!  On the other hand, given my mood and motivation, and the amount of yard/garden work I've been getting done, as well as the rest of crazy stuff that's keeping me hopping, I guess I'm not surprised.

As the weather has made overall improvement outside, I've felt the call to do more and more in the yard.  It's hard to resist.  I've spent several hours out there some days (big yard, needs lots of work!), and when I come in, well, all I want to do is sit and do nothing.  I've also struggled a bit with motivation for this project in terms of what to be doing.  It's obviously still too early to do some things, like baking, but other than make more and more cards, I was feeling a bit stalled out about what to do next.

And yet, I didn't just want to stop, so I didn't.  I've written a couple of haiku on a couple of days.  I've done a fair amount of knitting.  I made another button candy chain.  I hung some Christmas lights on the loft banister.  I made a card with one of the doily wreaths, but I really don't like it, so I won't be using it.  Or showing a photo of it.  I did something related to Christmas every day, but I didn't love everything I did.

Then today, even after spending almost the entire day planting flowers and mowing the lawn outside and baking lavender pound cake inside, I had a good healthy urge about the Christmas project!!  So, I think I'm over the hump.  Or maybe it's out of the rut.  Not sure, but I was glad to feel it again.

I remembered that I have a tin full of small jigsaw puzzle pieces that have all been spray-painted dark green.  Years and years ago, at an Advent workshop, we made wreaths by gluing puzzle pieces together and then decorating them.  I still have the one I made, and have put magnets on the back of it so I can put it on the refrigerator at Christmastime.

Tonight I glued together three of the wreaths.  So much fun.  Really cute.  Really easy and relaxing.  I seem to remember it was a good one for many ages.  Anal adults like me made very impressive little wreaths, but kids could also do it and have fun with it.

Here are some shots of the puzzle-piece wreaths:

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!!


Sunday, May 8, 2011

300 Days till Christmas Project - May 8, 2011 - 230 days to go!

Happy Mother's Day to all who are or act as mothers!  Besides my own mother, there have been many who have "mothered" me, and to them I am forever grateful.  I am also fortunate to have mothered my own boys, Matthew and Samuel, who are now young adults and never fail to make me feel proud and loved.  Today, Sam and I spent the day together (Matt is in New York.), going on our traditional trip to the Denver Zoo.  This is something that the boys and I started doing years ago, and Sam and I have kept the tradition going.

I have to confess it's been a super busy weekend, so yesterday and today, I kind of skated by with knitting.  I knitted a bell and a couple of strips for the knitted chain yesterday.  I knit another strip today and put together the pieces I've done into the partial chain.  It's starting to look good.  Let me get a bunch more done and added, and I'll post an updated photo of it.

Earlier this week, right after my last post, I spent a couple of days making some of the cutest Christmas cards.  I just love them!!  If you decide to try them, prepare to get one of your thumbs dirty, because they're thumbprint cards.  Just print your thumb on a bunch of card-fronts.  I did at least two thumbprints on each card-front.  Then add antlers with a Sharpie marker; googlie eyes and a nose; and there you have reindeer thumbprint cards!!  So cute!  All I did with the inside was to stamp "Merry Christmas," but I've also thought about leaving some blank.  Way fun, even if it did take a couple of days to get my thumb completely clean!

The weather is gorgeous here, so I'm sure I'll be splitting myself between the Christmas season project and the Spring season outside this week.  The garden is calling my name!!  But so is Christmas!!  :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

300 Days till Christmas Project - May 4, 2011 - 234 days to go!

It's been a scherenschnitte obsession since my last post!!  I had found a bunch of pre-printed scherenschnittes and started cutting.  I kept at it for about five days!!!  And I completed all the Christmas themed designs.  They look great!  I won't add any more photos to the ones I've already posted, at least not now.  Now, I have to figure out what to do with all of them.  Some will make terrific ornaments.  Others will probably look good as card fronts.  It's just a matter of spending some time on that aspect of the project.  Once I get some completed, I'll post more photos.  Now, I'll be searching for more scherenschnitte patterns!!  I probably should have scanned all of the ones I originally found, so I could cut multiples, but I didn't think of that until I was just about done.  Oops!  You know that when I find more patterns I'll be scanning or copying them.

Okay, I did some knitting, too!!  More bell ornaments - different sizes and some fun colors - one looks more like an Easter Egg than a Christmas bell!!  I can probably knit these in my sleep now.  I also knitted some more strips that will become part of the knitted Christmas tree chain.  I'll add them on soon and post some more photos.

Today, it was time to start something completely different.  Something I've been thinking about for a while.  Doily wreaths.  I painted several doilies a couple different shades of green.  Next, I'll add some sequins or other doodads for decorations and finally a ribbon.  Not sure what I'll ultimately do with them, but wanted to try them.  They'll probably work well on card fronts.  I might also work them into an Advent Calendar or some other decoration.

Here's a shot of a couple of doilies, two shades of green.

A fun byproduct of painting these wreaths is that I got a couple of stencil effects on paper that I put underneath.  Only two were really nice and usable, so I've saved them.  Just have to figure out what to do with them.

More in a few days!
