Sunday, May 8, 2011

300 Days till Christmas Project - May 8, 2011 - 230 days to go!

Happy Mother's Day to all who are or act as mothers!  Besides my own mother, there have been many who have "mothered" me, and to them I am forever grateful.  I am also fortunate to have mothered my own boys, Matthew and Samuel, who are now young adults and never fail to make me feel proud and loved.  Today, Sam and I spent the day together (Matt is in New York.), going on our traditional trip to the Denver Zoo.  This is something that the boys and I started doing years ago, and Sam and I have kept the tradition going.

I have to confess it's been a super busy weekend, so yesterday and today, I kind of skated by with knitting.  I knitted a bell and a couple of strips for the knitted chain yesterday.  I knit another strip today and put together the pieces I've done into the partial chain.  It's starting to look good.  Let me get a bunch more done and added, and I'll post an updated photo of it.

Earlier this week, right after my last post, I spent a couple of days making some of the cutest Christmas cards.  I just love them!!  If you decide to try them, prepare to get one of your thumbs dirty, because they're thumbprint cards.  Just print your thumb on a bunch of card-fronts.  I did at least two thumbprints on each card-front.  Then add antlers with a Sharpie marker; googlie eyes and a nose; and there you have reindeer thumbprint cards!!  So cute!  All I did with the inside was to stamp "Merry Christmas," but I've also thought about leaving some blank.  Way fun, even if it did take a couple of days to get my thumb completely clean!

The weather is gorgeous here, so I'm sure I'll be splitting myself between the Christmas season project and the Spring season outside this week.  The garden is calling my name!!  But so is Christmas!!  :)

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