Wednesday, May 4, 2011

300 Days till Christmas Project - May 4, 2011 - 234 days to go!

It's been a scherenschnitte obsession since my last post!!  I had found a bunch of pre-printed scherenschnittes and started cutting.  I kept at it for about five days!!!  And I completed all the Christmas themed designs.  They look great!  I won't add any more photos to the ones I've already posted, at least not now.  Now, I have to figure out what to do with all of them.  Some will make terrific ornaments.  Others will probably look good as card fronts.  It's just a matter of spending some time on that aspect of the project.  Once I get some completed, I'll post more photos.  Now, I'll be searching for more scherenschnitte patterns!!  I probably should have scanned all of the ones I originally found, so I could cut multiples, but I didn't think of that until I was just about done.  Oops!  You know that when I find more patterns I'll be scanning or copying them.

Okay, I did some knitting, too!!  More bell ornaments - different sizes and some fun colors - one looks more like an Easter Egg than a Christmas bell!!  I can probably knit these in my sleep now.  I also knitted some more strips that will become part of the knitted Christmas tree chain.  I'll add them on soon and post some more photos.

Today, it was time to start something completely different.  Something I've been thinking about for a while.  Doily wreaths.  I painted several doilies a couple different shades of green.  Next, I'll add some sequins or other doodads for decorations and finally a ribbon.  Not sure what I'll ultimately do with them, but wanted to try them.  They'll probably work well on card fronts.  I might also work them into an Advent Calendar or some other decoration.

Here's a shot of a couple of doilies, two shades of green.

A fun byproduct of painting these wreaths is that I got a couple of stencil effects on paper that I put underneath.  Only two were really nice and usable, so I've saved them.  Just have to figure out what to do with them.

More in a few days!


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