Friday, May 27, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas - May 27, 2011

Another busy week has flown by.  The weather here in Denver is mostly weird.  Definitely one of the wetter Mays that I remember since moving here.  18 years ago, this summer.  Wow!  It doesn't really feel like it, probably because I'm always discovering new things about Denver and Colorado, and about myself.

Because I was outside doing yard and garden stuff most of the week (thank you to all my neighbors who have complimented the yard!!), I took it a bit easy on myself this week.  Tired arms and shoulders don't always make for major craft projects!!  At some point I'll have to post garden photos here so you can see what I do (and love!) when I'm not doing Christmas crafts and looking for a job.

I knitted for a couple of days, continuing to work on the knitted tree chain.  They "sell" that project by making it sound so easy and short -- just use your leftover yarn and whip off one of these when you have a moment.  Right.  If I do it at that rate, I won't have any kind of close to completed chain for a couple of years!!  So I plug away on it, now that my fave shows are done for the summer, while I listen to baseball games on  It works.

Then, one day, I wrapped some empty oatmeal canisters with Christmas wrapping paper.  I'll use those to package Christmas baked goodies for people.  I only had two though.  Gonna have to start eating way more oatmeal!! 

Then, I remembered cross-stitch.  I used to love to cross-stitch, and haven't done it in quite a while.  Of course, I still have all my stuff -- canvas, thread, hoops, patterns, several unfinished project -- you know how it goes!!  I've got a ton of ideas of what I could do with Christmas cross-stitching.  So, grabbed the graph paper and created a few simple designs and stitched them up.

Since I'll be away from my craft room for part of the Memorial Day weekend, more cross-stitch and knitting will be happening, since those two are very portable.  Since I'm thinking that these will become card-fronts, I'm sure I'll be card-making in the very near future, as soon as I've completed several more.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend.  While we all enjoy the three-day weekend, pause a moment to remember why we have it.  So many men and women have bravely served and heroically died for our freedom.  I may not agree with every war or conflict, but I deeply admire those who serve, and those who serve and have died for the United States.  I pray for peace.


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