Monday, May 16, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - May 16, 2011 - 222 days to go!

Yikes!  I can't believe, on the one hand, that it's been 8 days since I last posted!!  On the other hand, given my mood and motivation, and the amount of yard/garden work I've been getting done, as well as the rest of crazy stuff that's keeping me hopping, I guess I'm not surprised.

As the weather has made overall improvement outside, I've felt the call to do more and more in the yard.  It's hard to resist.  I've spent several hours out there some days (big yard, needs lots of work!), and when I come in, well, all I want to do is sit and do nothing.  I've also struggled a bit with motivation for this project in terms of what to be doing.  It's obviously still too early to do some things, like baking, but other than make more and more cards, I was feeling a bit stalled out about what to do next.

And yet, I didn't just want to stop, so I didn't.  I've written a couple of haiku on a couple of days.  I've done a fair amount of knitting.  I made another button candy chain.  I hung some Christmas lights on the loft banister.  I made a card with one of the doily wreaths, but I really don't like it, so I won't be using it.  Or showing a photo of it.  I did something related to Christmas every day, but I didn't love everything I did.

Then today, even after spending almost the entire day planting flowers and mowing the lawn outside and baking lavender pound cake inside, I had a good healthy urge about the Christmas project!!  So, I think I'm over the hump.  Or maybe it's out of the rut.  Not sure, but I was glad to feel it again.

I remembered that I have a tin full of small jigsaw puzzle pieces that have all been spray-painted dark green.  Years and years ago, at an Advent workshop, we made wreaths by gluing puzzle pieces together and then decorating them.  I still have the one I made, and have put magnets on the back of it so I can put it on the refrigerator at Christmastime.

Tonight I glued together three of the wreaths.  So much fun.  Really cute.  Really easy and relaxing.  I seem to remember it was a good one for many ages.  Anal adults like me made very impressive little wreaths, but kids could also do it and have fun with it.

Here are some shots of the puzzle-piece wreaths:

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!!


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