Friday, April 8, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - April 8, 2011

It's been a busy week in the world of Jayne!!  Not only have I been working on this project, but also on "seasonally appropriate" cards for Easter, Mother's Day and several birthdays.  Most of them are using photographs and are really fun and beautiful.

I began the photo card project on Tuesday, April 5.  Printed out a bunch of photos from last Christmas, and a few from before that.  Mounted them on pre-cut cardstock from a previous project.  They look great.  The next day, I finished the first batch (both Christmas and other), and printed more photos for another batch of cards.

I don't think they photograph well, but these are okay shots.  The first is artwork I created on my tablet.  The second is a close-up shot of Mary from one of our nativity sets; and the last one is a close-up of one of our ornaments.  I'll have more ornament shots, once I get into Jon's photos from last Christmas.  He took a ton of shots of the tree up at the cabin!

Yesterday I made more gift tags.  These are made on some pre-cut tags I found when going through some stuff this week.  I tried to use a few stamps that I haven't used yet on this Christmas project.

Last night, my favorite husband took me to Hobby Lobby and treated me to a bunch of art supplies, some of which I'll be using on this project.  I got a few new Christmas stamps to add to the mix.  One is a "Merry Christmas" stamp, because I have no idea where my original one has disappeared to.  I suspect a thieving kitty cat, so eventually it should show up again.  But maybe it was time for a change.

Today is the 40th day of this project.  So far, so good.  The cards continue to be the main part of the project, and I don't think that will change until we get under 6 months till Christmas.  It's not worth it to bake (even with a freezer) until October, but at that point I'll probably focus much less on making cards and much more on baking, gifts and wrapping.  It will all balance out in the end!!

Today I'll wrap up the latest batch of photo Christmas cards, probably do some knitting, and a few other miscellaneous things that I've got in a basket (ornament repair, cards to cut into gift tags, etc.).  Happy Friday!!


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