Saturday, April 16, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - April 16, 2011

It's been a pretty quiet week in the world of this project.  I still got a lot done, but most of it is stuff I've already been working on: embossing, cutting, coloring, putting the cards together and knitting.  I've done a few new and different things with some of the cards, but no photos this week since everything is pretty similar to what I've posted before.  I am pleased with one new card interior design - a play on a birth announcement.
Still a lot going on though.  I celebrated my birthday, which, even with the years piling on, I love.  Jon, Sam and I went to The Keg for a great dinner.  Good steak and lobster tail (yes, even in a land-locked state!!), and creme brulee for dessert!!  Yummy!  I received a few gift cards to some of my favorite craft-type stores, so I stocked up on some new stamps and supplies.

In addition to the cards made for Christmas, I also completed a bunch of Birthday, Thank-You, Easter, Mother's Day and misc. cards this week.  Yeah, sometimes I get a bit OCD on the card making!!

I was excited to have our next door neighbor, Marge, stop by and see what I do up here in my creative land.  I get a little nervous showing my stuff off sometimes, so I'm always glad when someone likes my work.  And, I packed up a dozen assorted greeting cards to send to Gretchen, a friend from High School who I've re-met on Facebook, for a silent auction that she's involved in.

Photos with my next post, I promise!!


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