Friday, April 22, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day!  I hope you're doing something today to celebrate our wonderful world and all its resources.  So far today, I've kept all the lights off.  Except for the one on the timer.  And the refrigerator light, but that was only when I opened the door.  :)

There were a few days of knitting this week.  I now have a pile of knitted bell ornaments that need to be finished -- side stitched up and jingle bell attached.  At the rate I'm going, I'll be handing them on out on a street corner in December.  Hmmmm ....

Since I'd picked up a package of a dozen glass ornaments last week, on Monday I decided I would decorate one or two.  Funny thing, I ended up decorating all of them!  Once I started, there was just no stopping.

I started work on an Advent Calendar that I've been thinking about for a while.  This one is going to take a while, so there will be updates here from time to time.  I got the template on paper for all the parts, plus a few extras.  I cut one out to see how it will work.  Now, I've got to cut out the rest, do A LOT of folding, then figure out what will be inside each "door."  I may only make one of these, depending on how involved it ends up being.

Yesterday I tried something that I've always admired, but never tried: schrenschnitte!  It is the art of paper cutting.  I was lucky enough to find some with the designs already printed on heavy paper, so "all" I have to do is cut.  The first few are pretty simple, but there are some tougher ones coming.  Don't know what I'll do with the finished products - maybe ornaments, card fronts or something else. 

And today, in addition to continuing to work on some scherenschnitte, I also revisited another favorite: the photo cards.  At Christmas, 2010, Jon had taken a bunch of close-ups of ornaments on the tree at the cabin.  I printed a few out and voila!  More cards.  I really like the way they look.  I'll put the message inside them over the weekend, and they'll truly be complete.

Coming up in the next week, I'll continue work on the Advent Calendar, make some more cards (of course!), and try a few new ornaments.  I'm sure some other stuff will come up along the way as well!


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