Monday, April 11, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - April 11, 2011

What a glorious day!!  The sun is shining warm, the sky is clear blue, there's NO wind, and I can hear the birds singing outside my window!  Spring is such a wonderful time, of new birth, re-birth, growth, creativity and joy.  I can't help but be happy!!  The grass is green in our yard, the tulips are starting to bloom, the lilacs are almost ready.  Our fruit trees are beginning to blossom, and there are things (hopefully not just weeds!!) beginning to sprout under the cold frame in the veggie garden.

Because the weekend was so beautiful outside, most of what I did for the Christmas project inside had to do with knitting.  In front of the TV watching baseball and, of course, the last day of the Masters Golf Tournament.  I got a bunch more bell ornaments knitted, just need to stitch up the sides and add the jingle bells.  I did some embossing and coloring in of the designs for card fronts.  And today, I made about a dozen more cards.  Most of them were done with stamps that are either new or that I hadn't used yet for this project.

Here are a few of them:

I've got an Advent Calendar design that I want to begin work on this week, and thanks to my wonderful father-in-law, who sent me a generous gift card for my birthday, I'll be out buying supplies in the next few days!!  And because I enjoy it, probably more embossing and coloring!


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