Monday, April 25, 2011

300 Days till Christmas Project - April 25, 2011 - 243 to go!!

Happy Day After Easter!  We enjoyed a nice, small celebration here, including an Easter egg hunt.  People driving by must have wondered at the sight of 5 adults running around the yard in search of candy-filled eggs.  Now we have more candy than we know what to do with.  Happiness for a girl who gave up chocolate for Lent!!

Since my last post a few days ago, I've worked primarily on the paper prep work for the Advent Calendar that I've designed in my mind.  The template was traced over and over; the heavy paper was cut; and all the templates have now been folded.  I'll start playing with the rest of it soon.  Putting the numbers on will be easy.  The "windows" are big enough to hold a square of Ghirardelli chocolate, but I want to mix those with Christmas-themed photos and some Bible verses of the story of Jesus' birth.  Finally, I need to start thinking about how to attach all these parts, and to what.

Today was a dreary, mostly cloudy, kind of damp and cool day here in the Denver area.  The kind of day to curl up with a kitty or two, maybe a book, maybe a nap.  I did read for a while, curled up with a cat.  Skipped the nap though.  And spent part of the afternoon working on some of my knitted Christmas crafts.  First up, I finished some more bell ornaments - stitched up the sides and attached the jingle bells.  I've run out of jingle bells, but not the knitted bells, so I'll be picking up some more soon.

I started working on my knitted chain.  Remember how we used to make the chains for our Christmas trees with construction paper?  Well, my Mom told me about making them by knitting strips with your leftover yarn, and then stitching them so that they make a chain for your tree.  Very cool idea.  It will, however, take a lot longer than a construction paper chain!!

Here are a couple of photos of the start of the chain.

Luckily, I have lots of yarn!!  It's going to take a bunch.  My Mom has knit some strips as she finishes some projects, and sent those along, so that helps a bit.  Hers is the purple one in the photos.  Thanks Mom!!

It's supposed to be dreary again tomorrow, so maybe some more knitting. 


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