Tuesday, March 1, 2011

300 Days till Christmas Project - Days 2 & 3

And I'm off!!

Day 2 found me making cards.  I made "window" cards.  These came with the window pre-cut, so all I did was stamp and decorate.  Easy, so another good way to gently ease myself into this, as if I need that.  Maybe too easy, as I was left with the urge to do more and more!!  Having to practice restraint isn't something I usually have to do when crafting, but I must or I'll fry myself within a month!! 

A few shots of the cards ---

Using pre-cut cards and packaged doo-dads, along with the "Merry Christmas" stamp, made this a super-easy project.  A good one to do with children or for someone claiming no artistic skill at all to try!

Day 3 was going to be an ornament decorating day, but the spirit had something else in mind for me.  I woke up at 2 AM - yeah, I'm old, so I tend to wake up once in the middle of the night - and there was a haiku in my brain!  While I would love to say that I'm going to try to do a lot of "decorative" writing like poetry, stories, etc. during this project, haiku may be the most I can handle!!  They are relatively easy and fun to write, and sometimes we surprise ourselves with what comes out of the pen!  And here's what came out of mine very early this morning --

winter wonderland
crystal snow silently falls
and the night sparkles


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