Friday, March 4, 2011

300 Days till Christmas Project - Days 5 & 6 - March 3 & 4, 2011

Yesterday it was time to make a few more cards.  I used some felt trees and holly leaves that I'd cut out when I was prepping for this project.  Added some sparkly and sequin doodads on the outside, some stamped holiday messages on the inside, and voila!!  I have to confess that I got the button snowman idea from a Martha Stewart craft project, and adapted for my stuff.  Pretty cute idea!

Today I figured something out.  Something that will have quite a large impact on this project, I think.  Card making is a large part of what I enjoy doing, so I've got many, many ideas for card making during these 300 days.  Heck, I've already made cards twice.  I have this sneaky feeling that by the time I get to September or October, I'll be able to sell or give away cards and still have more than enough left to send to everyone and anyone on my Christmas card list.  Scary thought.  But realistic.  I have a gazillion Christmas stamps.  I have lots of cardstock, most of which is appropriate to the Christmas holiday.  I have lots of paper for layering.  I have colored inkpads, embossing powder and the heating element, ribbons galore.  I have yarn.  I have doodads, although doodads may be the one area where I might be a bit lacking.  Like I said, scary thought.

It's also time to begin some more complex projects, those that won't necessarily be completed in just one day.  And so I rediscovered my love of embossing.  So much fun.  Looks great, people are usually impressed, but it's so easy!  Today I embossed gold onto dark green cardstock.  It was a great thing to work on before my job interview - kept me from thinking about the interview too much and getting too nervous.

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