Friday, March 11, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - March 11, 2011

Yesterday and today were busy ones.  Balancing out my life with the positive energy I'm getting from this project.  Yesterday was yet another job rejection!  And today was finding out that it's just a matter of time before the transmission in son Sam's car goes.  Yeeha!!  The good news is that I have so much positive stuff in my life!!

So, I spent yesterday adding some color, per my sister-in-law, Elise's suggestion, to the black on white embossing.  I did some with markers, and some with colored pencils.  Some with just one color in certain areas, others were treated like a page from a coloring book, with color in every space.  It was fun, and left me wanting to do more and more!  That's the danger here!  :)

Here are photos from that stage of the card-making.

Today, I finished a bunch of cards made with the black on white embossing, some colored in, some not.  All kinds of themes and messages.  As of end of day, I've made 65 new cards since beginning this project!  And, as I was looking for supplies, I found 16 that I'd made for Christmases past.  Thirteen from 2006 and three from 2003.  Interesting to see what things I still do the same way, and what I've changed.

Since most of the "white" I'm using is really kind of cream-colored, I've realized that I'll have to buy a box of cream card envelopes, since all I have are white ones.  And while I don't really "need" it, I want to get some red cardstock.  I didn't have much and have used it all up.  You just can't keep making Christmas cards without red cardstock!!

Another thing I did today was to get together supplies for projects on the road, as I'll be away from home for a few days coming up soon.  I'll take knitting for sure.  I can work on bells and work on knitted Christmas gifts.  I've also gotten outside some cross-stitch supplies.  I've got a few of those I'd like to work on as well. 

Not sure yet what tomorrow will hold in terms of a project or part of a project.  Perhaps some more embossing.  Maybe a haiku.  It's almost time for another one. 


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