Thursday, March 10, 2011

300 Days till Christmas Project - March 10, 2011

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday.  Interesting to have that in the mix as I worked on this Christmas project.  It led to a lot of good reflection about the different stages of our spiritual lives.  Preparation, introspection, strength, struggle ... faith.

After making those cards on Monday as my creative response to not getting a job, I did two things.  One was to apply for several more jobs.  Full-time, part-time, permanent, temporary.  It's led to more interviews, and more possibilities. 

The other was to do more card prep work, those pieces of the process that allow for days like Monday, where I can put together a dozen (or more or less) cards with those parts I've already completed.

Tuesday, March 8, was a time spent cutting and gluing.  Cutting cardstock (dark blue) and folding to cards; and cutting liner paper (cream) for the inside writing surface of the cards.  That gives me the foundation for a bunch of future cards.

Yesterday, I returned to embossing.  Something different -- embossing black onto some of the cream liner paper.  Alone, very nice effect.  I'm using markers and pencils and perhaps some watercolor paints to fill in some of the designs in a variety of ways.  That and perhaps more card-making and more black-on-white/cream embossing will likely be on the agenda for today.

I have so many card-making supplies.  It's going to be kind of fun to see how far I get through these months without having to buy any supplies!!  Good thing, if I'm going to continue to be mostly unemployed!!

Here are a few shots of the black embossing from yesterday.


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