Monday, March 21, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - March 21, 2011

Ahh, vacation!!  Back from enjoying four days in New Mexico with my husband.  We visited Los Alamos, Bandelier National Monument, Jemez State Monument and Fort Union National Monument.  Beautiful weather, some good hiking, amazing views and our National Park/Monument system never fails to impress me!  A photo from Bandelier National Monument.  Wow.

One thing's for sure.  It's difficult to maintain the pace on a project like this when you're traveling and your focus is on so much else.  I took very little with me, knowing that it was unlikely that I would get to do anything involved, like card-making.  So, my primary work was knitting. 

I worked on knitted Christmas bells, and on knitting a Christmas gift.  A little each day - sometimes in the car, especially on the interstate, sometimes in the hotel room at night as we unwound from the day watching the NCAA tournament.  I have the feeling that if I have to take this project on the road again between now and Christmas (and it's likely I will, at least once), knitting will be the way to go.

I did write a haiku as well.  Last night, after we got home, before bed.  While I think that it's more of a Thanksgiving haiku than Christmas, I think it could be used at either holiday.

the family gathers
the turkey roasts and pies bake
giving thanks for love

As wonderful as vacation is, it's always good to get home, to sleep in my own bed, to cuddle and play with my kitties, to get back into the routine.  Perhaps some card-making today ...


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