Wednesday, March 16, 2011

300 Days Till Christmas Project - March 16, 2011

What fun today, to take all the pieces and parts I've been working on and to make them into cards, using some of my beautiful new red cardstock.  I find that I'm falling into some trends - using the same stamps and messages over and over again.  I do have other stamps with lots of designs and holiday messages, but right now, these are the ones I like the best!  I have to remember that while I see them over and over again, if/when I send them to someone, they only see one of them and have no idea of how many other similar cards I've made in addition to theirs!  And I'm sure that at some point, the time will come when I'll change it up and start playing with some of my other stamps.  And I'll start doing things other than embossing.  I want to do some material layering at some point, and to incorporate some bows and things other than glue to hold some of the layers together.  But for now, what I'm doing is fun, so I'll keep on doing it!

As an aside, but still related to a holiday, tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day.  In preparation/celebration, we had corned beef and homemade "Cape Cod" Irish Soda Bread.  I call it "Cape Cod," because I didn't have any raisins in the house, so I used "craisins," and we all know that cranberries come from Cape Cod (among other places!). A wonderful meal!!

Here are photos of a few of today's cards.


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